A few years ago, in Florida, I purchased a cordless hair clipper … a pretty good quality. Probably the best clipper I’ve ever had. I did get a good price for it at a store called “Tuesday Morning” and they ‘specialize’ in buying close outs and so on.
My mistake with this clipper is that I always left it in it’s stand up charger, etc. So, the batteries failed in about 3 years. I contacted the distributor and they wouldn’t provide service outside warranty period.
So, I went over to my near “Battery Plus Bulbs” in Florida and asked if they would replace the batteries. Their response was that, because the batteries are soldered to the “mother board”, we’ve not had good results and therefore … No.
So, I took it back from Florida to our home in Canada in April 2017.
I’ve been to your 1151 Newmarket Street store many time before, and that is where I brought my clippers on April 13, 2017. I can’t remember who served me, but he looked at it, took it apart a little bit and then said that they can replace the batteries (i.e.: Invoice Number 0125012). I paid them and they said that they’d call me when ready.
I received a call and I went in on April 21, 2017 to pick it up. I did make sure it was fully charged before using and so on.
As I used it, it was functioning just great! After about 4 uses, it began to ‘sputter’ and so on. So I fully charged it again. After using it again, it still seemed to sputter and even momentarily STOP.
On Friday, July 07, 2017 I was going into town and I decided to take the clippers into/back to the Newmarket Street store. I can only remember one of the stores staff’s names … Corey. He was there, but busy with other things. It was a thin red haired fellow that looked out after me. He stated that it did not necessarily be the fault of these batteries and/or the connection of same (note, these are my words, not his).
So, he took it apart and showed me that it was the wires not making a proper connection to the electric motor AND also to where it went back toward where the batteries were. You could clearly see that this was of no fault of when the batteries were replaced, etc. This counter person offered to ‘fix’ this … stating that Total Battery does NOT do this kind of thing and so on.
He was clear that there is no liability on their part and so on. I said go ahead and I offered to pay. He said no, that’s okay. In a few minutes and while showing me the steps he was taking and the finished product and then trying it. It now works GREAT!
They wouldn’t take any form of compensation. I thanked them and went on my way with a clippers in working order!
I really thought it best that YOU know what a good experience that I had. I worked with the public for over 32 years in my working career and I can tell you with absolute certainty that this is truly Value Added Service and the right call was made here.
Thanks everyone so much, GOOD JOB!